I remembered another thing that happened today that I really want to share (really, how could I forget it?). We were playing Boulderdash as a team in the girls' living room and I was reading some answers when the room started shaking. At first we thought it was some kind of big vehicle coming up to the house, or maybe a bulldozer knocking it over, but after about 10 seconds of just staring at each other in confusion, we realized it was an earthquake and all jumped up and headed outside or into doorways. It was pretty long -- maybe 40 seconds -- and significant, and I think it was the biggest earthquake I've actually felt since the '89 Loma Prieta Earthquake (6.6). This was a 5.1, and enough to make things interesting. Almost immediately afterwards, Rosa called one of the girls and made sure we were alright. To Salvadoreans earthquakes are totally normal as San Salvador is situated right next to a big volcano, but some of them are concerned we gringos would be terrified by them. Though we are from California, it was very sweet of her.
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on Saturday, November 15, 2008
at Saturday, November 15, 2008
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