Ministry Progressing  

Posted by Jeff ("Jefe") Oleson

Ahhh, finally I get some time to make another posting on here, cause I know it's been a while. By far the most exciting thing ministry-wise that has happened recently is that we got to communicate to our campus staff the concerns we had with the movement on UFG (Gavidia) and UTEC. Kristen, Trevor, Layo -- the national director -- and these staff had a meeting a few nights ago and God really blessed it and they seemed to receive our concerns really well. We met with them again last night after a discipleship appointment the guys had on campus and they were so humble in asking for our suggestions in how to best change things. We shared our vision for the ministry and it was so heart-warming to see them listening well, understanding and asking for specific requests on tangible things we can change right now, starting with our student leader meeting we're having tonight. Tonight we're letting our student leaders discuss and share what they believe a movement should be and we're really excited to give them opportunities to share their vision.

Things are starting to progress with some of the students I've met on both campuses. Two weeks ago on UFG I met a student named Ricardo who I've gotten to follow-up with two times. He's a really solid follower of Christ who already regularly shares his faith and knows the Bible very well. Sometimes I think he could be discipling me, which is even easier to believe after I tell you he's 35 with a wife and small daughter. Haha, that's been a funny thing about doing ministry on our two campuses, where class schedules are made for the working person. But really, it hasn't been that weird and most students are closer to our age.

The picture above is of us having a Bible study in English on the UTEC campus in the English building. DavĂ­d, in the red shirt, is the leader of this group and is actually 39 years old. We couldn't believe it, but believed him when he showed us his license and it said 1969 for his birth date. I'm glad I'm not expected to be discipling this guy, at least yet.

This entry was posted on Friday, October 10, 2008 at Friday, October 10, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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